
Here you can meet the Governors and read a little bit about their roles and responsibilities.

Emma Howells is our Chair of Governors. Her role is to provide leadership and direction to the Governing Body, both in and between meetings. The Chair, as the leader of the Governing Body has a role to play in assisting a collection of individual Governors to become an effective team that can work co-operatively with a common sense of purpose to achieve the successful development of the school, and represents the Governing Body where given delegated powers. Her key area of focus are the development of Mathematics and numeracy within the school.

Emma Howells is our Vice Chair of Governors. The Vice-Chair is expected to chair meetings and to exercise the chair’s “emergency powers” in the absence of the Chair. Emma’s focus when visiting school is to monitor the development of Maths and Numeracy.


Mark Hulin Taylor is Head Teacher and is the link between school and the Governing Body.


Rebekah Meredith is Clerk to the Governing body

Kay Hughes is Teacher Governor and represents the staff of the school at Governor meetings.


County Councillor Rachel Powell is our Local Authority Governor and local County Councillor. Her focus when visiting school is on the children’s Health and Well-being including matters relating to Safeguarding and Child Protection.


Janet Thomas is a Local Authority Governor. When visiting school her role is to monitor the development of Language and Communication across the school.


Katherine Wenyon is a parent elected Governor. During her visits to school Katherine will focus on the children’s Health and Well-being, including matters relating to Safeguarding and Child Protection and the development of Humanity subjects.


Mrs Joni Hughes is a Co-opted Governor. Her role when visiting school is to look at the development of Mathematics and Numeracy across the school.

Mr Derek – Riekstins Morgan is a parent elected Governor. His role when visiting school is to monitor the progress of Digital Competency.

Mr Alan Watson is the Community Council representative on the Governing body.