Eco School

September 2019

Eco school have held their first Eco afternoon to support development of pupil voice within the school. They carried out four activities during the afternoon to raise awareness of reducing waste, re-using what we can and recycling as much as possible. We made friendship bracelets from t-shirts, a recycling relay with materials and coloured recycling boxes, planted daffodils on our new green space and made a bottle top turtle collage for display within school.

May 2018

Class two including children from the Eco Committee collected plastic from our local area as part of Th Great Plastic Pick – up initiative. They collected a surprising amount f plastic and other rubbish from on top of the common.

February 2018

Bryony from Keep Wales Tidy has been in school today telling us about the dangers of plastic in the ocean. The children learned how different materials were made and the impact it has on marine and coastal wildlife.